Affiliated to CBSE New Delhi. No : 930531, School Code : 75515
e-mail : cmichristschool@gmail.com
+91 82811 49722
Admission is made by School Authorities, depending upon the norms of selections and the availability of seats.
Every candidate for admission must be introduced by the parents or guardians who will be responsible for his/her conduct, progress in studies, discipline and payment of fees.
The Principal has the right to refuse admission without ascribing any reason for it. He also reserves the right to refuse the continued studies of any pupil whose academic performance or conduct is not befitting to the norms of the school.
Transfer Certificate will be issued only when the parent/guardian applies for it after clearing all the dues. After submitting the application, it may take upto 10 days to process the TC.
Duplicates of TC will not be issued unless the request is supported by a notarized affidavit or copy of FIR.
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