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Christ CMI Public School was started in 2002 by the Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI) of the
St. Thomas Province, Amalapuri, Calicut, who run several educational institutions all over the country.

The CMI Society was found by St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara. Since the establishment of the first Catholic Sanskrit School in Kerala in 1846, the CMI congregation has upheld foremost the ideals of its heavenly patron St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara (1805-1871) in establishing a wide network of educational institutions all over India. A distinguishing feature of these educational institutions is that they draw inspiration from the life of Jesus Christ and also from the sages and prophets of our land.

Christ CMI Public School, a premier educational institution, is an academic fraternity of individuals dedicated to the motto of 'EXCELLENCE AND SERVICE'. We strive to reach out to the star of perfection through an earnest academic pursuit for 'excellence' and our efforts blossom into 'service' through our creative and empathetic involvement in the society to transform it. Education prepares one to face the challenges of life by bringing out the best in him/her. If this is well accepted, education should be relevant to the needs of the time and address the problems of the day.


Christ CMI Public School stands as yet another landmark in the ‘abode of learning’ in the whole of Malabar. It imparts quality education and enriches the learning environment in order to optimize each child’s overall development and help realize its full potential.

    The values which guide us :  

  •  Faith in God

  •  Moral Uprightness

  •  Love of Fellow Beings

  •  Social Responsibility

  •  Pursuit of Excellence

    Aims and Objectives                                                                                                                           

  • To build up a community of staff and students committed to the common pursuit of truth and moral excellence.


  • To help students to achieve self- discipline, cultivate good habits and be open to the divine will.


  • To train students in clarity of thought and accuracy of expression and develop in them leadership qualities.


  • To promote a healthy and modern outlook among the students while drawing inspiration from ancient
    cultural heritage and tradition.


  • To inculcate in students a sense of responsibility to the nation and to encourage their involvement in the task of
    building up a new India, free from exploitation, injustice, ignorance, poverty and misery.

  Our Philosophy                                                        

“Excellence and Service” is the motto of Christ CMI Public School. This school offers her students opportunities for the development of an integrated personality. Sound character formation coupled with learning is our aim. Moral, social, intellectual and practical life values are stressed. Co-curricular activities like sports & games, health & physical education, arts & crafts and other socially useful productive works also form part of the school programmes.

  Our History                                                                     

CMI Congregation, the first indigenous religious congregation was started in 1831 by a group of priest of the Syro-Malabar Church, led by Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara. This congregation has started first Catholic Sanskrit School in Kerala in 1846 which did pioneering work in the field of education without distinction of caste or creed. A unique feature of these institutions is that they draw inspiration from the life of Jesus Christ, Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara, ancient cultural heritage and tradition, sages and prophets of our land.

 Working Hours 


Entry : 9 am

Morning : 9.10 am - 4.00 pm

Monday to Saturday : 9.00 am - 4.00 pm
Cash Transaction : 1
0.00 am - 2.30 pm

Note : The First and Third Saturdays of the month will be working days. Second and Fourth Saturdays, will be holidays.

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 Contact Us 


Christ CMI Public School

​Kalyan Road, Mavungal

Balla P.O.

Kanhangad, Kasargod

Kerala - 671 531

Mob :  +91 8281149722

e-mail :


Principal :  +91 9447795450

© Copyright - Christ CMI Public School, Kanhangad - 2024
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